
bag clean out πŸ‘œ + discussing multiple chronic illnesses. πŸ’‰ [ pots, eds, lupus, dysautonomia ect. ]

bag clean out πŸ‘œ + discussing multiple chronic illnesses. πŸ’‰ [ pots, eds, lupus, dysautonomia ect. ] this is definitely more of a very chatty, personal, chronic illness overview than a just true " bag clean out // go through " type of video, but i figured i'd kindof explain everything i go through and why i have such long periods of time between videos while finally cleaning out my bag!

a lil preview of what to expect me discussing ;
ehlers danlos syndrome ( eds ) type three, hypermobility type
postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome ( pots )
chronic pain
and dysautonomia

i do discuss my weight in pounds, so trigger warning for that just in case that type of thing upsets you. ( i don't quite understand the issue but other chronic illness youtubers usually put a tw so i thought i would just in case. )

i tried to find infographics on everything and include those to make things easier for those who are like me and need to actually read something to grasp it as opposed to just hearing it out loud.
all of my different diagnosis' involve my stomach and nervous system so this has been a really long and frustrating journey for me so far, but i'm really trying to be more open about how i do have all these invisible illnesses that can never be cured. i do have just about all of the symptoms that go along with each different disorder and i've just been trying my very best to manage all of them. as i say in the video, i am so unbelievably grateful for my current doctor as she is always willing to try anything i come to her suggesting or to keep trying the different things she knows. even if the first three or even nine things don't work out, she's always looking for something that will and that is very, very important to have in a doctor.
for three years i was extremely sick and trying to do this all on my own and the doctors wouldn't want me to try the things i would suggest and they were too lazy to look into things themselves.

although i miss how kaiser has everything in one place basically, all your records online and the email system, they completely failed both my sister and i when trying to just manage all of this and live our lives.
please try to stand up and advocate for yourself as much as possible, even if it's draining and seems hopeless.

anyway, please feel free to ask any questions you may have about or of my issues ( i have more that i didn't go over ), if you have any weird symptoms that you can't quite figure out, or let me know if you have any of these disorders//syndromes//illnesses and have any tips or tricks!!

as always, here are some links for more information!!!

i can't believe i completely forgot to mention it, but there's this thing that's really big in the chronic illness community called " the spoon theory " and that's why you may hear people who have these issues referred to as " spoonies ".
it's also become a common reference for mental health issues like depression as well as other disabilities such as autism.
sometimes it can be very difficult to relate to others who have disabilities and challenges but this is a really helpful " theory " or explanation of what it's like to live with these things.

unfortunately the link to her wordpress " but you don't look sick " is no longer available, but here's the wikipedia page explaining it.

i literally cannot believe i forgot to mention that.
it's an explanation for those who don't have any chronic illnesses to kindof help them understand how doing just the simplest day to day things can completely take a toll on you and you have to pay for just being alive and existing. life is very tiring and difficult and often leads to a lot of hopelessness and other mental health issues when you have chronic illnesses that are not so easily managed..

i've had to sacrifice so much these last few years just cuz my body hates me and it's rough never knowing what will be acting up next.

even if you yourself are not feeling well, please try to be kind to others [ and yourself, of course ] because there are so many invisible illnesses out there and you truly just have no idea what anyone is going through.

" be excellent to each other "

disabilities,disabled,disability,autism,invisible illnesses,invisible illness,chronic illness,chronic pain,chronic illnesses,beauty blogger,instagram,lupus,women,ehlers danlos syndrome,hyermobility,eds,dysautonomia,pots,postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome,percocet,dogs,balor,beagle,service dog,goth,green hair,alternative,punk,cannabis corpse,thrash metal,nug so vile,richmond virginia,denver,anemia,

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