The Greatest Gift one can give to another is not what we can purchase. The Gift of Wholeness, that which we crave. A deeper understanding of Life and the Ability to Love and Believe in Onesself. That is the greates gift we can give to another. I am ever grateful to all my teachers, family and frienfds. Working with the tones of the C, D, A, G, high C and high D igniting your Life and Soul purpose at Chakra 8 and 9. Add a beautiful sacred geometry pyramid in Aqua Aura Gold at the 3rd eye. This set includes a mixture of the Frequencies 440Hz, 528Hz, 432Hz and includes the alchemies of Supergrade Green Heart Aura Gold, Abalone Platinum, Yagna, White Light Aura Gold, Indigo, Lemon Angel Gold, Snowflakes Gold Practitioner. In Peace and in Light. Sending so much love through the healing sounds. Thank you for tuning in as we fast approach our 1 year anniversary!