
10 CUTE Animals That Can KILL YOU!

10 CUTE Animals That Can KILL YOU! 10 CUTE Animals That Can KILL YOU!

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Today, we count down the Top 10 cutest animals that can kill you. Most of the critters on this list roam the wild lands and seas but a few of them can be found right in your homes.

10. Mice

Mice, or even rats for that matter, are a common presence in plenty of homes. They chew your furniture, eat your food, make a mess. But they can do a lot, lot more damage. Mice and rats are sources of the hantavirus, exposing humans to it through their urine and droppings. An infected person is at risk of developing a respiratory condition called hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, which can turn fatal at times. If you still need more proof of how deadly rodents are, just remember the Black Death plague that swept Europe in the 14th century, wiping out 60% of the continent’s population. It was all the handiwork of the house rat.

9. Dingo

Dingos resemble dogs but are closer to wolves in their behaviour. This makes them unpredictable, territorial and vicious, though they are also

shy and tend to avoid humans. In Australia, their legacy speaks for itself. There’s a government programme that educates people on how to be “dingo-safe”, a famous “dingo fence” to protect grazing lands and sheep, and government records of “dangerous dingo attacks”. There’s also the now legendary story of a nine-week-old baby’s disappearance from an Australian campsite for which her mother was convicted of murder. But 32 years later, it was confirmed the baby had been taken by a dingo. The case, which received a film adaptation, seals the dingo’s place on this list.

8. Duck-billed Platypus

What makes the platypus unusual – and cute, in its own funny way – is that it appears to be a mix of many animals. It has the body of an otter and the tail of a beaver while its distinct muzzle and webbed feet resemble a duck. It is also unusual because it is one of the few venomous mammals out there. The platypus secretes poison from long, hollow spurs located on the heels of its rear feet. While not usually fatal to humans, this poison causes a drop in blood pressure, increased blood flow and excruciating pain that may last weeks. So, the next time you want to pat this little guy’s bill, thinking he looks like Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb, we suggest you don’t. After all, the sting of a male platypus is said to feel like “hundreds of hornet stings”.

7. Cats

We forgive you if you choose not to believe this next entry on our list. Cats are adorable furballs created purely to make you smile. They are the purr-fect pets, you say? Well, we say not. Because cat poop carries a parasite that can lead to a condition called toxoplasmosis, which is especially harmful to pregnant women and their unborn babies. This disease causes miscarriage and still birth, or serious problems in the baby if it survives. So be extra careful when cleaning your cat litter. Also, if you have a pet canary of parrot, keep it away from your kitty. In America, cats – including the domestic variety – have the dubious distinction of killing 2.4 billion birds a year. Not so sweet after all, are they?

6. Poison dart frog

Here’s a fun fact about the next animal on our list: Poison dart frogs are the size of a paper clip. Here’s a not so fun fact: They are among the most toxic creatures on Earth. The most poisonous among them, the Golden Poison Frog, packs enough of a punch to kill 10 grown men. And it’s just two inches long. As their name suggests, the venom these frogs produce has been used to tip the blowdarts of indigenous hunters in Colombia for centuries. Apart from being extremely venomous, this family of frogs is also known for their beautiful colouring and elaborate designs, all designed to ward off predators. Stay away from these colourful creatures or they’ll surely have you croaking in pain.

5. Blue-Ringed Octopus

Another species on this list that is tiny, yet deadly is the blue-ringed octopus. No bigger than a golf ball, this sea monster holds posion 1,000 times stronger than cyanide that can kill 26 humans within minutes. When it senses danger, glowing blue rings appear on its body as a warning. If you come across this squishy creature while scuba diving in the Pacific Ocean, you definitely don’t want to get too close to it. The neurotoxin it releases can cause nausea, cardiac and respiratory arrest, paralysis, loss of vision, even death. Worse still, you won’t feel its bite. Luckily for us, this unusual octopus is quite happy hiding in little crevices most of the time. Just don’t mess with it and it won’t bother you.

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