
Spiritual People and money beliefs (stop it)

Spiritual People and money beliefs (stop it) It's time for Spiritual People to revamp their money beliefs, this video I'll show you EXACTLY how to do it. If you want to find out your vibration and Receive a Personalized Meditation Click Here:

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#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening

This video I'm going to show you how to go beyond the spiritual beliefs when it comes to money ...understanding why so many spiritual people are experiencing lack in their lives. I'll show you how to push through those barriers so that you could start to be abundant, which is who you really are.

Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video, I'm going to be sharing with you how to go beyond the label and sometimes the trap we put ourselves on of that of being spiritual. Sometimes when we talk about being spiritual or we identify as a spiritual person...

What we may end up doing is we may end up creating limitations for ourselves because we give certain meanings to that of what money means. We give certain meanings in our life that then separate ourselves from the natural abundance that's already available to us.

Now understand that in reality, our beliefs create our reality, and when we go through a spiritual awakening, I would say that's one of the most profound changes you'll ever go through because you change your belief about who you are as a soul. You then realize, well, I'm not just this ego construct. I'm not just who I thought I was.

I'm a spiritual being having a temporary human experience, and with that awareness, you realize that life is so much more magical. There's so much more to appreciate in life. However, a lot of times what happens is when that huge rush of energy comes and you start to realize all these Epiphanes about reality, sometimes what happens is then you look to the old way of being.

You may look to the millions or billions of other people on the planet that are desperately chasing money, and you might start to relate to it in a new way. I know when I went through my awakening, that was one thing that happened. I started to see money in a completely new way. I started to see that, uh, money was a, I had these beliefs.

Then I'd started to develop that money is a form of control, that money is negative and that if you do have money, you're a materialistic person and I started to develop these beliefs and slowly as I had those beliefs, I then started to create less and less abundance in my life when actuality I was creating more and more lack in my life....

I was believing more that that made me a righteous person and that made me somebody that was more worthy of a, of the spiritual information I was coming into and it was, it was something that then started to create a lot of resistance in my life.

Now the reason I say this is because I also am making this video because there are so many gifted spiritual people out there that have this aversion to charging for their services. They feel like they may not be worthy or they feel like because it's a spiritual gift, it's on this higher pedestal and therefore they shouldn't be doing it for a living.

It comes from and stems from this belief of money being bad and having these myths, mixed connotations and meanings as to what money is now understanding our beliefs, create our reality, and if we believe and give the meaning to money, that money is bad or that money isn't a viable source of abundance.

We just need to be abundant and an energy and um, and really good vegan food and all, if that's what we define abundance as and that's what we will get. However, uh, we do live in a reality right now where we have a money as they barter system that we use to exchange energy....

When you make this shift and you realize that all money is, is an exchange of energy, that's when things really begin to change because then you could start to ask yourself, what energy can I give in exchange for abundance so that I can have more resources to live a higher quality of life so that I can then help other people? You see?

So this video is going to be a lot of me reframing some of these mixed connotations and meanings. You may have been giving the money. When I went through my spiritual wake in 2012, I started to become aware of the, the, the system and how things are controlled....

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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