In this talk we’ll join best selling author and business coach Panache Desai to find out what real success and self love looks like...
We’ll be exploring the questions ‘How do we win? And what is winning?’ 💪
Perhaps it’s simpler than you think.
Perhaps you’ve been manipulated into believing that there’s some other version of you and your life that’s BETTER and BIGGER. Perhaps you’ve been convinced to live for an outcome 🎯
Perhaps it’s just having the capacity to be truly peaceful. To embrace your design. To rest in the totality of all that is you NOW and let go of the golden carrots of fake happiness that have been dangled in front of you your entire life.
‘If you do this, you’re richer than most of the millionaires I’ve met’.
We hope you enjoy this Mindvalley Talk and embrace this fresh, positive thinking .
For more advice on how to be happy and how to be authentically YOU within your business, we’ll see you on our Mentoring page for Business 💼
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