
Donald's Got No Dog (What's up with that?)

Donald's Got No Dog (What's up with that?) Bruce W. Nelson, one of Wisconsin's thinnest songwriters (or was it the shallowest?) dreams up songs while doing electrical work, (the shocks help) plumbing, (which can be incredibly draining) or in this case, drywall finishing. Not sure just what the song means, but personally, I never trust anyone who is distrusted or unloved by dogs. Hope you find meaning or useful distraction in this one. For the "word curious", the lyrics are as follows:

Donald’s got no dog but he much prefers his money
so he never takes his No-Dog to the park.
Donald’s got no dog
and his neighbors think it’s funny
how his No-Dog’s so well trained he doesn’t bark.

Donald’s got no dog
Dogs are man’s best friend.
Pretty sure that friendless is how Donald’s gonna end.
Donald’s got no dog, no cat, no cow.
That means Devin Nunes has more friends than Donald now.

Donald’s got no dog
and his no-dog’s name is Michael
and he’s always pretty happy on his leash.
Michael’s favorite game is pretending that he’s human
but his acting is just hopelessly “pastiche”.

Donald’s got no dog.
Donald’s just got Mike
Though it’s clear to see, for neither, there is much to like.
Donald’s got no dog, no sense, no clue.
Don’t you be like Donald kids, no matter what you do.

Donald’s got no dog
and his life is quite pathetic
but thank goodness, from a distance, he looks grand.
Donald’s got no dog
which is good, they’re so kinetic
surely real dogs might break his tiny hands.

Donald’s got no dog
He thinks dogs are dumb.
Calling with his whiney voice, what decent dog would come?
Donald’s got no dog, no bird, no eel,
Being stuck with Donald, for a dog, has no appeal.
copyright 2019, Bruce W. Nelson

Donald Trump,Donald Trump's pet,Devin Nunes,Devin Nunes' cow,Bruce W. Nelson,Mangy Fetlocks,dogs,pets,people without pets,

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