
Okaynes - a practical invitation

Okaynes - a practical invitation We often hear the phrase "Everything is okay, just the way it is" - So often, especially in the beginning, that phrase becomes just part of our understanding, but it stays on the mental level of understanding instead of being embodied experience. What really is your relationship with what is in this moment? Are you really at rest, are you really okay with everything as it is? Neelam guides us through a short exercise, to check within and notice what you notice and come to an embodied sense of okayness.

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YouTube Channel: Neelam Satsang

Inquiry Process; sensations; be Here; spirituality; liberation; awakening; Ramana Maharishi; Papaji; H.W. Poonja; Satsang; Self-realization; non-duality; enlightenment; duality; open secret; freedom in every moment; fire of truth satsang; meditation; soul; Self; Freedom; non-dual; nondual; non dual; advaita; vedanta; self-inquiry; who am I; soul development; nervous system; where did I come from; where am I going; thoughts arising; who is thinking; free will; in the now; freedom now; freedom in relationships; true independence; independence from the past; being here; depression; presence; freedom from the past; past tendencies; direct experience; direct experience of presence; bliss; suffering; eternity; reality; truth; Buddha; yoga of awakening; yoga; supreme being; true being; advaita vedanta; nirvana; end of suffering; self realization; realization; realizing our true nature; true nature; innocence; return to innocence; essence; this here; being here now; everything just is; the end of suffering; awakening the nervous system; Birthright; true yes; true no; okayness; can I be here; trauma; path to freedom; body based inquiry; patterns; vasanas; what is; willingness; desire for freedom; practice; natural state; embodiment; recognition of presence; capacity; nervous system; discrimination past and present; lead to awakening; be quiet; can i be here; teacher; satsang teacher; how to be free; free from suffering; heal nervous system; be present; be here now; path of awakening; invitation to freedom; awake; spiritual path; need to change; challenging time; anxiety; being relational; free in every moment; what is; be with what is; honesty of being; communication; conditioning; embody truth; awaken to truth; enlightenment; reality; karma; survival strategies; role of the nervous system in awakening; Presence;


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