Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects a woman’s hormone levels or in more precise manner PCOS is a problem with hormones that affects women during their childbearing years
The word “polycystic” means “many cysts. In which many small, fluid-filled sacs grow inside the ovaries
The common PCOS symptoms are:Heavy bleeding,,Hair on the scalp gets thinner and starts falling ,Irregular periods ,Headaches and weight gain And is a main cause of infertility in women’s .
Diagnosis of PCOS
* Blood tests – Your blood is tested for various hormones, Thyroid function test, Lipid and diabetic profile.
* Ultrasound scan – To examine your ovaries, uterus and endometrium.
Ayurvedic therapy in women with PCOS looks for
* Detoxification of body
* Strengthening and revitalizing the female reproductive system and regularizing menstrual cycles.
* Rectifying hormonal imbalance
* Weight loss techniques
Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS includes a combination of herbs, therapies and a healthy lifestyle to improve the condition of PCOS. Doing exercise about 30 min daily.start with moderate and go to intensive if suits u.
Doing yoga and meditation the most beneficial according to Ayurveda
Start with Pranayama. Naukasana-boat pose,Shavasana- Corpse pose ,benefits of yoga for improving anxiety, hormones, menstrual cycles and metabolic parameters among women
Medicine recommended
1. Ashoka powder or tablets
2. Triphala
3. Kanchanar guggulu
If your monthly cycle is effected a lot than use pushyanug CHURNA than don’t use Ashoka powder or tabs. You have to use only one of Ashoka churna or pushyanug churna.
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Buy online
1 Ashoka churna Amazon. in
Amazon .com
2. Triphala Amazon. in.
Amazon. Com
3. Kanchanar guggulu Amazon. In
Amazon. Com.
4. Pushyanug churna. Amazon .in
Amazon. com
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