It’s the phrase that defined 2019. You couldn’t escape it. Instagram captions. The radio. Hillary Clinton’s Twitter. But as it turns out, being 100% that B doesn’t come without some consequences.
What’s up guys it’s Emile Ennis Jr here with Clevver News and Lizzo is fighting back against two men who are claiming that her iconic line was actually something that they wrote.
Songwriter Justin Raisen posted on his instagram account a short demo clip of the song “Healthy” that he apparently worked on with Lizzo back in 2017.
His caption reads “On April 11th, 2017, we wrote a song called “Healthy” w/ Lizzo, Jesse St John, and Yves Rothman at our studio. “I just took a DNA test turns out I’m 100% that ___” was taken from “Healthy” and used in “Truth Hurts”. We were never contacted about being credited for the use of the parts of “Healthy” that appear in “Truth Hurts”.
He continues the caption by saying that he and his team have been trying to work quietly behind the scenes with Lizzo to get a fraction of the proceeds that they think they’ve earned.
They said that the song “Healthy” never came to be, and instead they saw “Truth Hurts” shoot to number 1 earlier this year.
Well, Justin and Jeremiah Raisen are causing a stir all over the internet, but the other two co-writers Jesse St John and Yves Rothman are staying silent.
Yves hasn’t mentioned anything on his socials and Jesse Saint John has since gone private on his.
But Jesse actually IS credited as a writer on Truth Hurts.
Justin’s comment continues on to say “The last thing we want to do is throw any negativity toward Lizzo’s momentum and movement as a cultural figure. If we believe in what she’s preaching, believing in ourselves & our own voices is something we thought she’d understand.”
This all started when Lizzo tried to trademark the line in June. At that time, people on the internet came for her for supposedly stealing something without crediting the original artist.
As they usually do, an old tweet surfaced from a British singer named Mina Lioness.
The tweet, which was written in February of 2017, says “I did a DNA test and found out I'm 100% that ____.”
The tweet was a joke in reference to Demi Lovato tweeting earlier that day about a DNA test she took.
She said “I did a DNA test and found out …… I’m 1% African!”
Mina actually reached out to Lizzo herself last year, in 2018, regarding the rights to her tweet. She said “We didn’t have the same idea, it was my tweet that was taken from twitter and put into a song.”
“Now everyone believes those were your words, when in fact they were mine. My creativity, my wit and my comedy.”
Lizzo responded, saying “Truth Hurts was written in June fyi— someone made a meme on IG that said “I’m 100% that ___” and we were inspired, I give that meme credit when I talk about making the song. I’ve never seen ur viral tweet but I’m glad it exists.”
I mean, it’s definitely possible that Lizzo just never saw the tweet. The internet is a HUGE place.
Mina continued to tweet about Lizzo’s use of her tweet, essentially saying that she was too broke to take on Lizzo legally and that she knew nothing would come of it.
Well, after Justin posted his long Instagram caption, Lizzo posted some stories of her own.
And since then, Mina has come back to Twitter to say “I just took a DNA Test, turns out I’m a credited writer for the number one song on Billboard”.
So it looks like Lizzo gave her the credit afterall.
She continued “I want to publicly thank Lizzo and her entire management team for embracing me and reaching out.”
But on the other side, Lizzo is simultaneously filing documents to get a legally backing judge to say that the men accusing her have no grounds to claim any rights to her song.
She claimed that the Raisen brothers are trying to set up an opportunistic lawsuit as an easy way to cash in.
Lizzo isn’t SUING anybody - she simply just wants a legal document that would bar the brothers from suing her or claiming that they wrote the song.
Which, according to Lizzo, the brothers and their reps have acknowledged in writing multiple times that they have no claim to Truth Hurts.
So we’ll certainly be hearing more of this story. Maybe we’ll be hearing more stuff from Mina as well! But in the meantime I want to hear what you guys have to say. Do you think the brothers have a case here? Should a tweet qualify for a writing credit? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
And then make sure you subscribe to Clevver News and we’ll keep you posted on whatever happens, if this has to go to court, or if the brothers just give up on their quest for writing credits.
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