
Illusions in reality - struggling with reality is ok

Illusions in reality - struggling with reality is ok I have been offline for a few weeks, no video upload... I have been following my heart and letting myself be. Feeling the feelings I felt and not pushing myself to do something, just for the sake of thinking it needed to be done.
I have been healing old pains, it is not yet over, but I am recognizing some results already.

This video is from about a week ago, where I felt pretty low. I was low, but not really emotional. I was observing it, my life with a bit of distance. Recongizing the patterns, the illusions of it all and the desire to find a connection. Just some point of fully understanding.

In life I of course found that in fragmented pieces, others who could get parts of me. But I feel in their energy, in the interaction and reaction, I can only go so far. I immediately see the limitation of it, the borderline of where i can not go. What part of me I can not truly share.

At that point I felt a bit tired of not knowing how to find this connection in reality. And if it even exists, if it is something I can even find or that everything is just illusions. Mirror images of my energy, there to give me the experience I need to have and to teach me the lessons I need to learn.

Perhaps to recognize it is all an illusion and to learn to be ok with that. Not to seek anything outside once self. Everything emerges from your heart, everything in reality. So why seek anything outside of your own heart?

Somehow it also resonates whith me, that the query I have with the connection with the reality... That the solution lies within me, but also in reality at the same time. That I will find that piece of belonging in this reality. Who knows I just bump into it one day and perhaps I already did...

Perhaps the value for you in this video of me rambling away, is that it is ok to feel lonely even tho life can be filled with numerous of nice and kind people. It is ok to let yourself feel through what you need to feel through. Nothing is too weird to feel. If you feel it, then that is true.

Be yourself, love yourself and be ok with who, how and what you are every moment! Everything happens is perfection! Every low point has it’s purpose and it is only a point to grow from again.

By daring to share my deepest truths, I hope to be an example of that what can be added to this reality. And in this way to inspire you to be more yourself and also express more of that beauty that resides inside your heart. Lets go on this adventure together and colour the world with our true essence!

Thank you for watching!
Feel free to leave a comment, give a thumbs up or just watch.
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The light in me honors the light in you.
In lak'ech ala k'in

Tara :-)


If you are curious how I am aligning my inner essence and making it into a business. By developing myself and learning, growing, flowing every day, then take a look at my site!

Here is a link to receive a nice video series that helped me change in a phenomenal way!



Tara Kaur
Follow your art
The Netherlands


Music - bensound-dubstep
- Hang Drum Massive - Once (Anton Feine Edit) Electronica Massiva Re Touch)
- Zen Dub - Tusk
Info: - Spirit :-)

illusions in reality,illusions,struggling with reality,finding no connection,finding no connection in reality,finding no connection in the world,hitting a emotional low point,hitting a low point,depression,Loneliness,not connecting with others,giving yourself time to live through your emotions,giving yourself time to be,be true to yourself,love yourself,take care of yourself,lessons in life,tara kaur,follow your art,

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