#RedDeadOnline #NoAnimals #NoCamp
The animal spawning rate and camp drop issue have been plaguing the Red Dead Online Community since the anticipated release of The Frontier Pursuits Update. Not having Camp spawn and no animals to hunt has really hurt the camp, especially the Trader Role.
But with this method you can actually get the game to work properly, and for that reason we do not call it a glitch, its more of a fix. A temporary FIX to two mayor issues in the game right now.
With this method we have done alot of testing and spent over 6 hours in a private lobby with two posse mates. We were able to keep our camp running with materials and do resupply missions. It worked exactly how the game is suppose to and did before the update.
I do not at all participate in or condone GLITCHES, or any fast money making exploits. If you do that is fine. This method in the video is not a GLITCH in any way, it is a technique to get the game to preform as intended until Rockstar fixes the blatant issues we have in game.
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