i did over 150k post 200m cooking xp testing and making this video
this glitch is completely visual, you dont actually gain xp in any other skills
Explanation: (credit to julia /@laagone for figuring out whats going on)
The maximum value for a fake xp drop is is 2^14 = 16,384
If you can more than this amount of xp in a single fake xp drop then the number overflows and overlaps with the the data for which skill the xp drop belongs in.
i.e. if you were supposed to get a 16,385 xp fake xp drop, you would get a 1 xp drop in the next skill.
Julia's tweet
I'm not sure what would happen if you got a 16,385 xp drop in hunter since its the last skill but i dont have 200m hunter to test