Today's schedule:
- 30 min warmup
- 1 hour / 10 min break
- 1 hour / 10 min break
- 50 minute sessions until GYM at 11:30am
I will return at 2:30pm, and we'll study another 6.5 hours!
OCTOBER WALLPAPERS are up on the blog -- feel free to download and use them!
Find me on Instagram:
**WiFi is acting up so please excuse any sudden interruptions. If it stops abruptly, I will do my best to get it up and running ASAP, so refresh and hopefully I'll be back**
TIMEZONE: CET (Central European)
When I'm not listening to the Spotify study playlist (below), I'm listening to this:
Are you on Forest? I'll share the room codes in the chat when there's 1 minute left of the break timer! My Forest email is .
I'd love to chat with any other students in those breaks, so send me any questions you may have!
Next livestream can be found on the schedule:
Comment what you're studying below, and let's get to work.
[Discord chat for Forest room/studying buddies! ]
Check out my blog for some resources:
iPad Notes app: Noteshelf 2 (affiliate link
My supplies/stationery that's from Amazon can be found here: (affiliate store)
Music I'm listening to (if I'm listening): Study Music Collaborative Playlist on Spotify
Music credits: Unicorn Heads - it's on a loop, so of course feel free to mute. Sadly, I can't listen to the music loudly, but you can find the playlist I usually listen to on Spotify!