
We Are Renaissance

We Are Renaissance Renaissance is a new grassroots church movement launching smaller communities of people in and around the Boston Metro area (based in Waltham, MA). For us, this is all about stripping away religious complexities to empower people to live out Jesus in the everyday places they live, work and play. The Gospel of John says that ​​God put on flesh and moved into the neighborhood (John 1:14, MSG). There is no divide between the sacred, secular, messy, and ordinary. God connects all things and people.

​We're a church living out this reality by empowering dreamers, creators and enjoyers of life to showcase Christ's love daily - in homes, coffee shops, workplaces, schools, the outdoors, the streets, and in our neighborhoods. We huddle in smaller communities that are committed to live out this mission and our values, so that out of our simplicity we're able to create safe environments for people to practice their faith in their own backyard.


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