Special thanks to Richard Bennett and many others whom took the time to write about the deep deception that is taught by the people of the world every day without their recognition, without reading and knowing the scriptures for themselves. This is an open discussion on Studies related to the Times we live in today in relation to The Study of the Bible and the History of the world. Sorry for picking such a broad topic but it can not be said enough how critical it is to engage in studies that are based in the Bible and related issues.
Please visit bereanbeacon.org for the article discussed here:
Protestant,Paradox,Romanized,Babylon,Sola Scriptura,King James Bible,History,Ecumenism,Roman Catholic,Apostate Church,Bible Versions,New Age,Occultism,Papacy,Antichrist,Martin Luther,Gospel,Discipleship,Edification,Narrow way,Mystery Babylon,Revelation,Vatican,New age bible versions,Government Beast System,Whoredom,Deception,Lies,Suppressed,Jesuit,World Order,Terrorist,Bible,Wars,beast,savior,Denomination,Unity,Church,Inquisition,King James I,