
Successive Discounts | Comparing Quantities | Mathematics | Class 8

Successive Discounts | Comparing Quantities | Mathematics | Class 8 Subject: Mathematics
Chapter: Comparing Quantities
Topic: Successive Discounts
You might have seen while buying goods that on every article there is a price marked. This price is known as the market price (M.P.) of the article. In order to clear the stocks or to increase sale, sometimes shopkeepers offer a certain percent of rebate on the marked price for cash payments. This rebate is known as the discount. The customer or buyer pays the difference between the marked price and the discount.
Let us learn about discounts and its sub-type-successive discounts in this video.

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Successive Discounts,Comparing Quantities,Mathematics,Percentage,Percentage Change,Educational Video,Discount,Animated Video,Class 7,Class 8,CBSE,ICSE,IGCSE,Numbers,JEE,Tips,Tricks,Exams,Exam Hacks,

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