
God Answers Prayer, 1 Samuel 1:9-20, September 8, 2019, Standard Sunday school lesson

God Answers Prayer, 1 Samuel 1:9-20, September 8, 2019, Standard Sunday school lesson Click for Notes: Hannah is in Shiloh with her husband and she is grieving over the fact that she cannot have children. Her Husband's other wife up to this point has been talking about her until Hannah now refuses to eat.

Hannah goes into the house of the LORD and prays from her heart but only moving her lips, Eli the priest accuses her of being drunk. She explains she is in sorrow of spirit, he tells her that God grants her request, she leave the temple assured that the LORD of Host heard her, she later goes back home and conceives and gives birth to Samuel.

Rodney Jones Sunday school
God Answers Prayer
September 8, 2019
1 Samuel 1:9-20

Rodney Jones sunday school,September 8 2019,1 Samuel 1:9-20,God answers prayer,standard lesson,standard sunday school lesson,sunday school lesson for september 8 2019,Samuel,Elkanah,Hannah,Eli,priest,

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