
Chuck Pierce: Freed From the Fear of Death (Hebrews 2:15)

Chuck Pierce: Freed From the Fear of Death (Hebrews 2:15) Great Word study from Chuck from Hebrews 1 & 2 in The Passion Translation.
Nothing is out of the control of the Son of God, even the tormenting fear of death. Because Jesus
“experienced death’s bitterness on behalf of everyone…” (Heb 2:9), “God made Him pioneer of our salvation, perfect through His sufferings, for this is how He brings His many sons and daughters to share in His glory.” (Heb 2:10)

Transcript below breaks out the scriptures.


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Now I want to read some things to you
that I just read this morning I just
want to read them and I'm going to read
them the way that the Lord spoke to me
this morning first from Hebrews 1:3 (Passion)
“The Son is the dazzling radiance of God's splendor.
He's the exact expression of
God's true nature His mirror image.”
That's why we study Jesus.
He's a mirror image of the Father.
“He holds the universe
together and expands it by the mighty
power of His spoken word.
He accomplished for us the complete cleansing of sins.”
You are cleansed already once you receive Him.
You are cleansed of your sins.
“And then took His seat on the
highest throne at the right hand of the Majestic One.”

Hebrews 2:1
“This is why it's so crucial that we be all the more engaged and
attentive to the truths that we have heard so that we don't drift off course.”
There's a reason we're
supposed to study to show ourselves
approved so you recognize when the enemy gets you
to a place where he's attempting to
seduce you off course.
You're fine as long as you're on course
with the Lord. The enemy when he gets you
in a place where he is seducing you off
course you must say, “Wait a minute! I'm
not going that way.”
It's not about how Tiffany does everything or how
Ben does everything or how we eat or how
we drink.
It's how you are walking in the
way that God called you to walk and
staying on course to accomplish that.
Hebrews 2:2
“For if the message of the law spoken and
confirmed by angels brought a just
penalty to every disobedient violation,
then how would we expect to escape punishment?”
All you have to do is read the Old Testament,
there was a law for everything.
There's no way you can keep all those
laws. You will worry yourself to death
being afraid you are going to make a misstep.
That's not who we serve or what we receive
Hebrews 2:3-4
“…if we despise the very truths that gave us life.
The Lord Himself was the first to announce
these things and those who heard Him
firsthand confirmed their accuracy.
Then God added His witness to theirs.
He validated their ministry with signs
astonishing wonders, all kinds of
powerful miracles and by the gifts of
the Holy Spirit which He distributed as He desired.”
Hebrews 2:8
“This means that God has left
nothing outside the control of His Son.”
Do you realize what that says?
No matter what you're going through there
is nothing outside the control of His Son.
“Even if presently we have yet to see this accomplished.”
I think this is why we're in this “minimized light” because we
see through a glass darkly.
That doesn't mean we have seen what we are to see yet.
Hebrews 2:9
“But we see Jesus who as a man live for a
short time lower than the Angels and has
now been crowned with glorious honor because of
what he suffered in his death. For it was
by God's grace that He experienced death’s
bitterness on behalf of everyone.”
It is amazing to think that He
experienced death’s bitterness on behalf of you.”
Hebrews 2:10
“For now He towers above all creation for all things
exist through Him and for Him.
And that God made Him pioneer of our salvation,
perfect through His sufferings, for this is how He brings
His many sons and daughters to share in
His glory.”
Hebrews 2:14
Since all of His children have flesh and blood, so Jesus
became human to fully identify with us.
He did this so that He could experience
death and annihilate the effects of the
intimidating accuser who holds against
us the power of death.”
Tell the intimidating accuser he will not hold
against you the power of death! It's
already been experienced on your behalf!
In the movie “Moonstruck” Olivia
Dukakis keeps asking people, “Why do you
think men have an affair?”
Finally, one guy says, “they fear death.”
Because we fear death
we're prone to agree with death and
we're prone to do things that make us
think we can get past death. You're
already past death if you have the Lord
Jesus Christ living inside of you.
Hebrews 2:15
"By embracing death Jesus sets free those
who live their entire lives

Jesus,Jesus Christ,Bible,Christian,God,Holy Spirit,Holy Ghost,Pentecost,Pentecostal,Prophesy,Prophecy,Prophetic,Gifts of the Spirit,Miracles,Salvation,Deliverance,Spiritual Warfare,Intercession,Prophetic Intercession,Prayer,Breakthrough,Healing,Chuck Pierce,Glory of Zion,GZI,Bill Johnson,Dutch Sheets,Jane Hamon,Bethel Redding,It's Supernatural,Shawn Bolz,Sid Roth,Karen Wheaton,Kevin Zadai,Jesus Culture,Joel Osteen,Joyce Meyer,King of Kings,

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