
Are there various structured steps to Samadhi? || Acharya Prashant, on Vivekchudamani (2018)

Are there various structured steps to Samadhi? || Acharya Prashant, on Vivekchudamani (2018) To Connect Closely With Teachings of Acharya Prashant:

For the extremely dispassionate man alone there is Samadhi, and the man of Samadhi alone gets steady Realization; the man who has realised the Truth is alone free from bondage, and the free soul only experiences Eternal Bliss.
~Vivekachudamani (Verse-375)

What are the various steps of Samadhi?
Who is the realized man?
How to completely remove ego?
What is beyond the mind and ego?

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Ways to connect to Acharya Prashant:
1. Open Sessions and Bodhsabha:
Acharya ji addresses several open sessions each month, free for all audiences from all over the world. You can attend these sessions both physically and online. To participate and ask your questions in these sessions, go to our website (, or contact: +91 9650585100 / 9643750710.
2. Meet the Master:
‘Meet the Master’ program is a rare opportunity to personally meet a living legend, a living Master, an absolute rarity. The participant gets a personal one-on-one meeting with Acharya Prashant Ji, either physically or online, and is free to resolve all his doubts and be blessed by the contact.
To meet, write an e-mail to,
or call: +91 9650585100 / 9643750710
3. Learning Camps:
Learning Camps are monthly retreats organized by PrashantAdvait Foundation under Acharya Prashant Ji's guidance and illuminating presence. These camps are about spending three to four days in the lap of nature, while reading, reflecting, learning and evolving.
Nearly a hundred camps have been organized all over the country from metros like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and Chennai to meditative Himalayan destinations as Rishikesh, Mukteshwar, Nainital, Kedarnath, and Dharamshala etc. Thousands of seekers have enjoyed and evolved.
For a life-transforming experience in the camp, write an email to, or call: +91 9650585100 / 9643750710
4. Online courses on Saints and Scriptures (English and Hindi):
The online learning program led by Acharya Prashant is an initiative towards disseminating clarity and solutions to the world. In this course, a rigorous study of a scripture or a saint is undertaken each month.

The program proceeds through a rigorous study of scriptures by relating them to the everyday realities of the reader’s life. Relevant sections from scriptures like Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Brahm Sutras, Ashtavakra Gita, etc. are meditated upon. The combination of the highest quality scripture studied under the guidance of the highest quality Teacher bestows immense grace upon the participant. Sessions are streamed live to the seekers, and recordings too are made available.
To participate or enquire, write an e-mail to,
or call: +91 9650585100 / 9643750710
Books by Acharya Prashant:

Social Media:
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Video Information: Acharya Prashant Ji speaking during a ShabdYog Satsang at Advait Bodhsthal, Noida on 1st June, 2018

Music Credits: Milind Date

Acharya,Dispassion,Samadhi,steady Realization,freedom from bondage,free soul,Eternal Bliss,passion,attachment,sorrow,clinging,attraction,hope,suffering,achary prashant on Vivekachudamani,osho on vivekachudamani,Adi shankracharya VivekaChudamani,Witnessing,Alan Watts,Mooji,Art of living,Sadhguru Jagiva,Astavakra Gita,J krishnam Murti,Zen,Enlightenment,iskcon,khalil gibran,buddha,meditation,Acharypa prashant on witnessing,osho on Samadhi,Advait vedanta,

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