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Gentleman's Gazette
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#lifestyle #conversationskills #socialmistakes
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1. Assuming an incorrect level of interest in the topic of conversation you've brought up on the part of other people. There are two sides to this point and both of them can be equally embarrassing; the first is assuming that people are interested in what you're talking about when in fact, they aren't.
2. Not making the conversation accessible to everyone who's there. The easiest way for you to make a conversation accessible is to bring up topics that are fairly wide in scope that anyone could latch on to or you could bring up a larger number of topics.
3. Not asking enough questions in conversation. Questions serve a very valuable role as they allow your conversational partners to bring up experiences that are personally valid to them and also give them time to reflect.
4. Not making enough eye contact. Now, upfront, we'll just say that this is something that takes deliberate practice and even some socially confident people can struggle with it. A simple guideline for casual conversation is to try to make more eye contact with the person when they're speaking to you.
5. Not valuing your own personal hygiene enough.
6. Trying to repeatedly force humor into a conversation. Now don't get us wrong, a little bit of humor when talking to others can be a great way to make things less serious and to put everyone in a good mood but repeatedly trying to make your own sense of humor dominate the conversation and constantly making jokes that aren't well received by your conversational partners is indeed a mistake.
7. You shouldn't constantly be self-deprecating either. In contrast to jokes that make fun of others, making a joke every now and again that pokes fun at yourself can be a way to make you look more humble but if you're constantly talking about how terrible you are at everything, people are eventually just going to start feeling awkward around you.
8. Attempting to dominate the flow and direction of conversation at all times. This point does tie into our first mistake about saying too much or too little but here, we're talking more about a situation in which you might find something great to say that ties into conversation but before you can get it out there, the conversation moves in a different direction.
9. Being a poor listener in conversation. As you're probably aware, listening is a crucial skill in any conversation, however, some people may not really understand the difference between simply hearing and actively listening.
10. Not ending a conversation. Even if you found that a conversation you're having has gone very well, there is a natural time for all conversations to come to an end. After all, it's impolite to keep people waiting if they've got somewhere else to be. In other words, it's important not to take people hostage conversationally.
Mistake number 11 is using poor body language. It's also equally important to remember that you're sending signals by using your own body language.
Mistake number 12 today is giving closed answers or asking closed questions. What's a closed answer? Well, essentially, if someone asks you a yes-or-no question and you respond only with the single word, yes or no, and leave it at that, that's a dead weight on conversation.
Mistake number thirteen is making assumptions about other people. We can use one of the most classic and egregious examples here, asking a woman when her baby is due only to find out that she's not actually pregnant at all.
Mistake number fourteen is framing your conversations around negativity. What we mean by this is the way in which you frame your words is going to have a direct impact on how other people perceive you.
Finally, mistake number 15 is having poor party etiquette. Firstly, don't automatically assume that a plus-one is welcome, let alone more people than that. Next, be sure that you're dressing appropriately to the level of the occasion. Finally here, do be aware that you should have good table manners as well.