
Women Need To Feel That You're Better Than Them - Female Nature #3

Women Need To Feel That You're Better Than Them  - Female Nature #3 Women Need To Feel That You're Better Than Them - Female Nature #3

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Women have to feel like you're better than them or else they won't feel like women. when a woman feels that she's better than you, she will begin to act disinterested with you and test you, she'll begin to act more masculine.

The reason why women get this impression out of you is because of your eagerness to be with them and because of your unwillingness to walk away. When a woman feels that you're not willing to walk away, she'll naturally become the predator. Women will judge you based on how other people see you and the subtle sub communication you give out.

Women naturally react emotionally to your non-verbals more than to your direct words so all you got to do is behave a certain way and not to accept a few things.

Make her sense that you love something more than her. By having a purpose, by pulling away from time to time, by not showing LOL's and Haha's or even by not validating her on social media, you create the need to get that validation from you. If you validate her, pull away to create the feeling that you're better than her.

When a woman feels she's better than you, what you got to do to counteract that is to be firm at your standards and make sure you're not a pussy.

Stand up for yourself and don't budge in their demands, this communicates that they're not better than you. Again, to prevent all that, you have to have a clear cut straight standards that you're not going to budge. It all starts with respect.

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