
Who else can it be other than Goddess Parvathi?

Who else can it be other than Goddess Parvathi? Who else can it be other than Goddess Parvathi?

The sacred Puranas indicate how the divine instruments can be invoked only by the Divine.
There was a demon named Vidyunmali who was the son of demon Tarakasura. He had a desire to possess the Trishul (trident) of Lord Shiva. He once held Lord Shiva captive through his penance. He asked the Lord to give the Trishul to him and leave. The Lord did not speak anything but took His hand off the Trishul.

Immediately, the Trishul started dazzling and it pierced the earth by its sheer weight and started going down further, reaching the surface of nether world beneath. When Vidyunmali tried holding the Trishul, his body started shrinking! A shocked Vidyunmali asked Lord Shiva why it was happening so. Lord Shiva then revealed that, except Siva and Shakti, no one else is capable of holding the Trishul! Vidyunmali only then realized the depth of the words of the Lord.

Sati Devi, the consort of the Lord, was enraged at the confinement of Her lord and threatened to kill Vidyunmali. She took hold of the Lord’s trident, lifted it and held it with amazing ease, thus proving the words of Lord Shiva again!!

On a different occasion, when Goddess Parvathi was a little girl, She effortlessly picked up the Dhamaru of Lord Shiva, which even the Saptarishis could not dare to touch!

These incidents show us how the divine instruments can be invoked only by the Divine and also how no mortal can touch them.

In the present day too, one can witness how Divine Mother Sai Rajarajeshwari, who is an incarnation of Mother Sati/Parvati, is able to stand next to Nandi holding the Trishul with ease, which is not possible for any other being anywhere in the three worlds to do so.

It is in this exalted state that the Divine Mother Bhagawathi Srimad Sai Rajarajeshwari wears the padukas of the Lord of the Universe, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, on every Vijayadasami day and performs the divine dance. No ordinary mortal would ever dare to do so. Such is the glory of Shakti and Shiva!

Bhagawathi,dakshayani,sati,parvati,parvathi,srimad sai rajarajeshwari,rajarajeshwari,amma,mysore amma,trishul,trishool,trident,shiva,shakti,goddess,devi,lalitha,tripura sundari,sai,shiva shakti,

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