There is a 15% Decline in Fresh Corn and a 15% Decline in Corn grown for forage/silage. These are accompanied by an increase in corn grown for cover crops (65% increase in grazing, 8% increase in corn left standing). Over 500% Increase in Failed Crops.
The report shows 19 Million Prevent Plantings 11.21 Million acres of corn, yet does not report any acres unplanted. Suggesting at least 13% of the crops recorded are "at risk" from delayed planting. But 19 Million isn't the ceiling for prevent plant acres. The FSA discloses that many farmers file for crop insurance directly through their insurance agents and many claims have not been processed leaving a lot of room for additional prevent plantings.
According to many weather forecasters, Solar Minimum generally corresponds with early severe fall cold snaps dramatically increasing the risk of early frosts. In August we saw cold fronts record temperatures not seen since the early 1900's. An early frost would have a dramatic impact on crops planted late due to prevented plantings.
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