
Simplifying Supply Chain Planning at HP for a Complex World

Simplifying Supply Chain Planning at HP for a Complex World As part of HP’s supply chain transformation journey, the company decided to move its planning processes from multiple on-prem applications (including SAP APO) to a central cloud based planning application. They selected SAP Integrated Business Planning (IBP) as the core planning solution. Due to the geographical spread and complexity of the as-is planning process, they decided to migrate the existing demand and supply planning process in multiple phases over multiple years.

Learn how HP simplified its planning process and how Intrigo - Part of Accenture implemented the SAP IBP demand, response, and supply solution.

Key points that will be covered include:
- planning processes moved to SAP IBP applications (accounts planning, country planning, consensus planning, factory planning, etc.)
- error prone and labor intensive planning processes to semi-automated planning processes
- regional based solution to a central SAP IBP cloud based solution
- transition from complex system landscape arising out of multitude legacy tools to SAP IBP

SAP,HP,Accenture,IBP,SAP IBP,Planning,cloud,

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