
Many Hear 'Jesus' but Their word Conflicts

Many Hear 'Jesus' but Their word Conflicts Many Hear "Jesus" but Their word Conflicts

I am just a man and I do not hold all truth, I can be wrong. None of us are without a spot or blemish, all of us can misspeak, BUT I HAVE heard from the Holy Spirit and Jesus HAS confirmed me that I am going the right direction with Him. As I pray and seek Jesus He continues to give me clarity, and when I am wrong He rebukes me. It is a blessing to have confirmation from Jesus knowing that I am in right standing with Him and knowing that because I sought after HIM, not what people thought of me. We don’t look to people for confirmation, we don’t look to the scriptures for confirmation. We have to look directly to JESUS, because MANY people are deceived by their OWN biblical understanding. Many people are deceived when they get confirmed by others in church, they think that have everything right but really they are in SIN before God and one day they will have to hold and account for all of their lies and their sinful life, and WHAT A SHAME that will be. The confusing thing is, many other people out there SAY they hear from Jesus, they SAY they hear from the Holy Spirit, BUT their word from god is directly opposite 100% against what I have heard from God, HOW IS THAT SO? You know, Jesus did warn us that in the end times, in the last times there would be MANY FALSE PROPHETS. He said that many would come in His name saying that they are He, and that these people would deceive if possible, even the elect. There are many people today that say they have a direct connection with God, they cannot be wrong because they’ve had a word directly from the Lord. But when you hear them speak it is night and day DIFFERENT from what you have heard Jesus speak. One of us has to be WRONG. We can’t all be right, we can’t all be following the Holy Spirit. There is only ONE true Jesus Christ. There is only ONE GOD. There is only ONE HOLY SPIRIT. We only have ONE SALVATION. Many people are simply NOT hearing the Holy Spirit, they have not received the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ gives to us when we bow before Him. Jesus promises the better gift. The way we can really receive the Holy Spirit is when we pray to Him with a right heart. Jesus says that if we do pray that our Father in heaven will not just give us a snake, you know a serpent, or a scorpion. But if we really pray for that Holy Spirit we will receive that better gift. He loves us and our heavenly Father will take care of us. But if we just listen to our own opinion and the opinions of others, if we just listen in the spiritual realm to the first thing we hear… it’s not going to be the Holy Spirit, we have to search deeper. We have to push through into the Kingdom of GOD and really pray and sincerely ask for clarity. Pray until you KNOW. Pray until you have absolute confirmation that you KNOW it is from JESUS CHRIST not your own opinion, not your own twisting of the scriptures, not someone else’s confirmation of you… make sure that you know beyond every shadow of a doubt that it is coming from Jesus. He will give you clarity and He will let you know that it is really from Him. But do not assume. Many people are assuming, they listen to FALSE SPIRITS and they are extremely deceived. There are many lying spirits out there. Make sure you pray until you KNOW you have received the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit when He comes to you will put His truth, His righteousness, His holiness in you. He will not lie to you like the lying spirits. He will not confirm you if you are in sin. He will not make you feel good if you are doing what is sinful. He will confirm you in His truth IF YOU ARE IN HIS TRUTH. But He will send His rebuke to you if you are doing what is shameful. I encourage you to pray and really received the Holy Spirit who the Father will send in Jesus’s name. May the grace of Jesus be with you and not the false spirit of the Antichrist that is in this world.

False prophets,false Apostles,end times,Jesus name,testing Spirits,Antichrist,warningthepeople,

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