If it means selling out-to launch my business I will let it all go before I have to sacrifice the dog's health, my health and be their offering in this satanic Luciferian NWO System. Sheesh-There was so much black mold in the building I didn't even want to be in there once I saw it.
I had escaped black mold toxicity in 2016 due to the old apt building I was living in was covered-due to leaks in the building, roof, pipes. etc. I was very sick from that encounter and it took months to overcome and feel better once I finally vacated the building.
If that isn't bad enough to think I am subjected to a repeat-these people don't know me at all. It won't happen. My dream is to open run and operate my own dog walking business, but not if it means I have to sell out like alot of people around me.
I have since learned that there is one street only designated to 'doggie daycare' zoning in this municipality. I couldn't understand why the only business in town is in this old run down building and it's due to the power structure here. Right? SO it's done. AFter 5 years of training, education, time money blood sweat and tears-it's over. I will have to find something else to do. Perhaps Blogging about dogs-is an alternative. I have enough of the skill sets down to launch a blog within the next couple months. That way i don't have to interact with city-I could focus on getting that off the ground-then perhaps going in the way of a rescue society-which was the other long term goal I set.
I am not anti government. I am anti corrupt government. Yet all I see is corruption all across the board. There doesn't look like there is any way to escape it.
If it means selling out, I am not interested. I don't want to be this dog walker-I will find some other way around this mess. I am not selling out-end of story. Thanks youtube- This is Lori not your ordinary dog walker signing off until next time.