wow bros legit new video after what like 5 months?? Uh this took me 3 months to do the art is really outdated,, uh I mean u quit on it for a long while so it probably didnt take me more than maybe 5 days worth of work hours .
Hahaha the editing is awful but I tried my hardest. The quality got fucked really bad too oops.
Anyways basically Stitch time??
I'll write his backstory but it won't seem the interesting bc I lost my inspiration for this whole thing.
Stitch is a fashion model I guess? He judges clothing and gets his label put on them :))
Don't correct me this is a fictional universe.
He's loved for his unique traits (his body and his eyes ect.) But he decides he only wants to be more unique thinking it will give him more love and attention. So yeah he mutilates himself and starts doing drugs because WOoOoOOo I'm really uncreative lol.
Ok that's all I have..
Programs: FlipaClip, Cutecut and Powerdirector .
Tools: Samsung Galaxy s9 and my finger .
#flipaclip #animationmeme #furry #BakedPotonion #pastarru #anime #0w0