
EP president urges immediate assistance to migrants stranded on Open Arms vessel

EP president urges immediate assistance to migrants stranded on Open Arms vessel 121 migrants still on board Proactiva Open Arms vessel should be immediately assisted, European Parliament president David Sassoli said in a letter to outgoing European Commissioner president Jean-Claude Juncker.

In his letter, Sassoli referred to the various standoffs between member states concerning search and rescue vessels operated by non-governmental organisation.

He pointed out that the European Parliament’s call to overhaul the Dublin Regulation has resulted in governments exploiting people rescued at sea for ‘political purposes’ and are subject of disagreements between them.

American actor Richard Gere has joined Spanish-flagged rescue vessel Open Arms at sea. 121 rescued asylum seekers remain stranded for more than seven days at sea, after both Italy and Malta refused to grant them a port of safety.

Proactiva Open Arms shared photos of food supplies arriving to the vessel along with a picture of Gere handing out food, on its Twitter account. Gere has visited the ship with the aim of bringing food supplies to the crew and rescuees.

Annika Breidthardt, a spokesperson for the European Commission, today confirmed that in the coming days the Commission will reply to the letter. Breidthardt reiterated that the Commission has repeatedly called on the member states to ensure that the humanitarian imperative comes first and that solutions are found for persons rescued at sea.



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