In today's video we are talking all about empaths, toxic personalities, CONFIDENCE ♡ and how opinions actually affect the energy body and the chakras - specifically the solar plexus chakra. I explain how this energy moves into our body, the exchange that happens, and how to emotionally parent yourself to heal any wounds, to deflect negative and nasty energies that are directed towards you in the future. I also teach you how to build confidence by creating a strong and solid sense of self, and how this also improves and builds your psychic abilities and spiritual awareness, as it naturally taps into your discernment which is governed by the third eye and also the crown chakra working together. The third eye chakra really governs our ability to see and perceive truth, while the crown chakra allows us to envision a bigger picture and see the bigger picture from a bird's eye view.
#empath #healing #confidence
#chakras #emotionalabuse
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