
Cult of Scientology inhumanities, brutalities and internal harshness of combating their own

Cult of Scientology inhumanities, brutalities and internal harshness of combating their own Scientology is infamous and notorious for many issues. But I beat the drum on the ABUSE because it is the absolute opposite of everything a Religion purports to be. Ron and I most discuss what goes in with staff who have signed Billion year contracts, also called "Sea Org Contract." Scn cannibalizes its own by brutal and inhumane punishments in between harsh interrogations.
The problem with such conduct is that the cult is that people reach a threshold and then depart and then become enemies who trickle their own personal horror story on the atrocity at a time.
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Church of Scientology,Scientology,Karen de la Carriere,David Miscavige,Surviving Scientology,INT BASE,SP HOLE,Marc Yager,Darius Wilhere,Greg Wilhere,Disconnection,

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