
Complete LEGS WORKOUT | 17 Effective Exercises

Complete LEGS WORKOUT | 17 Effective Exercises The 17 Best Leg Workouts You Can Do. Training your legs is important, but polarizing. Some guys get so caught up in the "don't skip leg day" hype that they forget (or they never learn) that not every lower body split doesn't necessarily look the same. Many guys think that means you have to spend hours in the squat rack for a leg day to really count. That's not always the case. Heavy loaded squats and deadlifts are an important part of a healthy strength training regimen—they're commonly referred to as "core" or "structural" exercises for a reason—but they aren't the only way you can build up a strong, good looking set of gams.
Leg exercises aren’t just for quads and hamstrings these leg workout exercises will work your core muscles, improve your balance, and grant you the added benefits of things like grip strength. For the sake of your physique and training results, here are 17 strength-building lower body exercises to ensure you never skip leg day.

Main Workout
1: Narrow Stance Squats (4x10) Again this is a Quad dominant exercise and also notice I don’t go ATG and full extend at the top to keep tension on my quads.
2: Without the Bar (4x10) again same rule applies from 1a.
3: Quad Contract + hold (4x10secs) This is a fun one and a great way to get that mind muscle connection and really putting your quads under a lot of tension after 1a,1b and trust me this SUCKS if done right. Squeeze your quads for dear life and hold for 10secs.
4: Barbell Split Squats (4x10 each leg) This exercise I’ll add to one of the many I absolutely loathe with a passion, again to make this a more quad focused exercise have the feet your are working closer to the bench and again not fully extending at the top to keep your quads under constant tension throughout. .
5: Heavy Tempo DB Goblet (3x 10) aim for a 2-3sec tempo and again technique should mirror the squats from 1A.
6: Without the DB (3x10)
7: Single Leg Box Pistols (3x10) 2sec tempo and Try and use very little momentum when standing back up.
8: KB Front Rack Lunges (3 x 12Steps) Short Step Lunges to focus more on quads, watch the video carefully you’ll notice I don’t take big steps.

Athlete model - Brian DeCosta @briandecosta

Athlete model - OBi vincent @obi_vincent

Workout,Calisthenics,crossfit,Fitness,Gym,Bodybuilding,Training,How To Do,Workout Program,Bodybuilding Exercises,Legs workout,Front Squat,Squat,Bulgarian Split Squat,Romanian Deadlift,Swiss Ball Leg Curl,Bodyweight Calf Raise,Walking Lunge,Glute Bridge Walkout,Lower body workouts,Build Muscle,Strength Program,Exercises Workout,Barbell Deadlift,Shoulders,How To Build Legs,Weight Exercises,Dips,create physique,Back Workouts for Men,

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