
Apply for a job, work, and quit all in the same day!

Apply for a job, work, and quit all in the same day! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to apply for a job and skip the interview process entirely, start working as soon as you can, and then retire yourself all in one day?! I sure didn't until it happened to me! Now here I am making a video describing everything that could have gone wrong in that day going absolutely wrong... Grab some thicc snacks and take a listen.

This kind of stuff is still new to me so hopefully I didn't do too horrible. I should be back uploading content regularly, but it'll be gaming videos and random stuff, but who doesn't like some of that. Please let me know how I did in the comments and if you liked it then take time to share with a friend or two. Editing these videos takes a lot of time and since I cant monetize my content, I have nothing to gain other then entertaining you lovely individuals!

Diablo3,Gaming,Real life,Demonetized,Story,Story Time,Derelict Society,Derelict,Whats in the box,Meme,Battle,Necromancer,AlMosT dIEd!,Clickbait,

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