Every student knows how to find out LCM or HCF of any numbers but most of students don’t know different method to find out the LCM and HCF. You know the basic approach to calculate the LCM or HCF which takes 50 to 60 seconds. Can you find out LCM and HCF in just 3 – 5 seconds? Then this video is very useful for you which make you superior than other students which ultimately helps you to get good a job.
In this video RAJA Sir explains different methods like Digit Sum, Unit Digit, Remainder Theoremand also different approach to generate thought process by which you can find out LCM and HCF in just 3-5 seconds. In this video you can also learn how to apply different method to find out the LCM and HCF in just few seconds.
Raja sir has 12 years long experience. Raja Sir also teaches you how you can apply these concepts in the previous year’s questions and how to use options to reach your answer. After watching this video you can answer any question without using pen or paper. You know every tick and tricks like eliminating options, approximation etc. After watching this you can think many different ways to solve a question.
Basically, Raja Sir develop thoughtprocess within you to use new method, new way of thinking, by keeping in mind the level of competition in today scenario.Raja sir first teaches you the basic concepts and then takes you to the advance level.Raja sir is selected as income tax inspector in SSC CGL 2011, and has 12 years teaching experience. Raja sir has many unique and magical concepts which help you to solve these questions in 3-5 sec.
Why should we study the LCM and HCF?
There are many applications of Least common multiple (LCM) and Highest common factor (HCF) in our daily life. So learning the applications of concepts helps you fully understand the topic and also makes it interesting. For example we use LCM and HCF to split things into smaller sections, to equally distribute something into children, to arrange the chairs in a row and columns and also figure out when something will happen again at the same time.
HCF is used when we want to create sets out of things such that all sets have equal number of each of the things. Whereas LCM is used when two actions repeat at different intervals and we are interested in finding when these actions occur together. LCM and HCF also used in to find out the greatest numbers of hospitals to provide health care for every citizen.
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