Many people have a laundry list of illnesses and don’t realize they are connected. This week the team looks at the case of a 27-year-old woman who had her own laundry list. She had extreme fatigue, PCOS, migraines, terrible mood swings, irritability, and difficulty conceiving. What did her original doctor do? They told her she was depressed and put her on several medications. We know that wasn’t going to help her get better and are glad she found a different perspective. The team talks about the Swiss Watch Principle, how everything is connected, and how The Wellness Way Approach helps patients reclaim their health.
The Wellness Way approach recognizes the inherent ability of the body to heal. Our unique standard of “We Don’t Guess… We Test!” allows us to confidently empower our patients to achieve their highest potential.
By creating a network of clinics that deliver superior clinical outcomes, our goal of impacting people worldwide is being realized.
We are a family of over 50 clinics offering team members opportunities for personal growth and development, where passion and purpose come together in a positive, focused environment.
Alternative Medicine,Chiropractic Care,Hormone Testing,Nutrition,Stress Reduction,Hormonal Imbalance,Toxins,Weight Loss,Autoimmune Disorder,Natural Stress Relief,Balance Hormones,Inflammation,Autoimmune Disease,Personalized Weight Loss Plan,Wellness,Food Allergies,Chronic Illness,Chronic Disease,Natural Nutrition,Vaccines,Longevity,Patrick Flynn,TWW,PCOS,migraines,laundry list of illnesses,mood swings,difficulty conceiving,fatigue,connected,