
Everything GREAT About Captain Marvel! (Part 1)

Everything GREAT About Captain Marvel! (Part 1) Check out Skillshare!

Captain Marvel! Some people loved it! Some people meh-ed it. Some people hated it. Some people just hate Brie Larson. Business as usual. Here's everything right with Captain Marvel!

Just in case you don't make it to the end of the video, this is a 2 parter, but mostly because I have a lot to say in the conclusion. I guarantee everyone will walk away happy and in agreement as is the norm on this blessed website.

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Outro Music: "Rise of the Heroes" by Jon Wright

Captain Marvel,EWW Captain Marvel,Everything Wrong With Captain Marvel,EGA Captain Marvel,Brie Larson,Cinema Wins,CinemaWins,EGA,Movie Wins,Film Wins,everything right with,carol danvers,everything great about,Brie Larson Love,Brie Larson Hate,Brie Larson Good,

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