
The Movies that inspired GTAV's Missions #1

The Movies that inspired GTAV's Missions #1 Rockstar takes inspiration from more than just cars for their games. This video showcases some of the best examples of movie scenes that inspired mission actions within GTAV.

If you have suggestions on other movies, shows, cars, games, or anything else used as inspiration by Rockstar in GTAV or their other games, let me know!

I love making these videos. Is it wrong of Rockstar to use other peoples ideas? Have you seen these movies (Terminal Velocity is so bad it's almost good...)? I was thinking, I wonder what movies will be used in GTA VI...

My previous video showing the rockstar design inspirations from the GTAV Arena Wars Update:

Speedrunning Breakdown on the Jewel Store Job: (My series Casual vs Speedrun)

Full A-Team Assault Clip: (It kept denying me from making the video public with this clip as-is, hence why I butchered it in the video!)

Subscribe here for more videos probably similar to the one you are watching:

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♫ GTA V Soundtrack - Welcome to Los Santos
♫ GTA V Soundtrack - Bury The Hatchet Mission Theme
♫ GTA V Soundtrack - Prologue Mission Theme

I watched 7 movies to make this video and got to call it "working" :)

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