The close grip dumbbell press can be used to workout the whole muscle but emphasizes the triceps lateral head and triceps medial head. During this movement, there will also be some activation of the pectoralis major (chest) muscle group. Since the triceps is mostly composed of type II fibers and these are best activated by heavy loads, using tricep exercises that can be performed under greater loads is ideal. By tucking the elbows close to the body, the dumbbell press can become a more effective activator of the triceps muscle group. In addition, this tricep exercise should utilize the full range of motion, starting from the level of the armpits at the start and locking out at the end of the movement to maximally contract the triceps.
Dumbbell kickbacks at an incline angle of 45 to 60 degrees is another great tricep workout that can be used to target the triceps long head since it maximally activates the long head over the triceps medial head and triceps lateral head. EMG studies show that this tricep exercise elicits the highest amount of triceps long head activation when compared to other common exercises. As shown in the video, peak long head contraction is achieved when the upper arm is kept parallel to the body, making a straight line between the shoulders and pinky. To ensure proper form, it is ideal to start with lower weights initially and gradually build up as you gain strength overtime.
Dumbbell overhead extensions is another great tricep workout that can be performed with an incline of about 45 degrees. This tricep exercise further targets the triceps long head, which as the largest component of the triceps is often neglected. One thing to keep in mind is to avoid ending the movement with your arms over head. Given that there is virtually no tension placed on the triceps in this position, performing the exercise in about the first 75% of the range of motion will best activate the triceps long head and lead to greater triceps growth in the long run.
The close grip dumbbell pushups are a great way to activate all three heads of the triceps, in addition to the chest and the deltoid muscle group. This tricep workout is similar to the pushup, but allows for greater range of motion, greater elbow extension, and less strain on the wrists. We know from studies that narrow grip diamond pushups best activate the triceps, therefore using the dumbbells in a way that narrows your grip will best shift tension to the triceps. To best activate the triceps, you’ll also want to maximize reps and push close to the point of failure during this tricep exercise. You can add reps and weight as you get stronger to continue stimulating your triceps muscle.
The set of workouts covered here can be completed on their own or combined with other exercises as part of your workout routine throughout the week to best target and grow the triceps muscle group. The tricep workouts covered in this video are easy to use and show you how to grow your triceps to build strong, well defined arms.
But it’s important to realize that both choosing the right exercises and performing them in the right fashion is crucial when it comes to building muscle as effectively as possible. This is true for not only the triceps but all your other muscle groups as well. And that’s why within my Built With Science programs we’ve taken the time to carefully select each and every exercise that’s included in your routines based on science, such that you can optimize your training and see the best results in the most efficient way possible.
To get started today, take the quiz below to discover what science-based program is best for you:
Thanks to 3D4Medical for the anatomy clips.
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FILMED BY: Abdo Megahid
Instagram: @abdohmegahed
Song 1:
Sean Turk – Night Kap
Song 2:
Lakey Inspired – Island
GRAPHICS: Vector art from Vecteezy.com
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