
TABS - Most cost-effective Unit Part 2 - Full-Framerate Large Battles

TABS - Most cost-effective Unit Part 2 - Full-Framerate Large Battles I wanted to determine what is the most cost-effective unit in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator. But some units cost so little it takes hundreds to match the cost of just a few more expensive units. When the battles between cheap units get big, frames get fewer and further between. So for these tests, I've filmed the battles in slow motion and sped them up to normal speed for your viewing pleasure. In each age, I put each unit up against the next until one reigns supreme. At the end there will be a play-off to determine the most cost-effective unit in the game. This video encompasses the Viking, Dynast, and Secret units as well as the playoff between the ages. Look for Part 1 to see the ealier battles.

If there are any other gigantic laggy battles you'd like to see at full speed, just comment below and I'll make some more videos like this!

TABS,Totally Accurate Battle Simulator,Simulation,Viking,Head-butter,Ice Archer,Brawler,Berzerker,Valkyrie,Jarl,Longboat,Firework Archer,Samurai,deflection,Dynasty,Monk,Ninja,Dragon,Hwatcha,Monkey King,Secret Units,Fan-Bearer,Jester,Executioner,Mace-Spinner,Cheerleader,Wheelbarrow Dragon,Shogun,Sensei,Samurai Giant,Tree Giant,Artemis,Ice Giant,Mammoth,Scarecrow,King,Ballista,

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