My ign name is: Laggy 1k
Rush’s ign : Rush
Screen Recorder – OBS
version of BTD battles - Steam PC
🔥Thanks for watching this vid ^ 🔥
Music :
Intro - Fat Rat Jackpot
Opening Music: "Game Shop" By HeatleyBros
Free Music For Your Youtube Video
Pirates Of The Caribbean (GFM Trap Remix)
Fareoh - Under Water
Dread Pritt - Pyro
Will I play btd6? Yes I do plan on It, but I still have to learn the game so not to soon :(
Why do I use BTD6 Artwork on BTD battles vids? When I can’t find btd battles images, I gotta use btd6.
What is the upload schedule? There is no constant schedule though I do try to have a vid up at least once a week. During summer when I'm on break the uploading should be much better (if btd battles is still alive by then)
Do you hate powers? Sometimes, but I sure hate losing because of eco powers.
Who is Laggy and Rush: I’m a girl who likes to play BTD and my lil bro(rush) does to so here we are now with a channel :D
Why did the dart monkey cross the road? Because he was escaping from camo Reagan reds. DUH!
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