
Studying Philosophy Q&A | note-taking, post-grad, thinking skills and more...

Studying Philosophy Q&A | note-taking, post-grad, thinking skills and more... Ever wondered what it's like to study an undergraduate philosophy degree? I'm here to answer all your questions about the value of philosophy degree, skills you can gain, jobs you can get after graduating, and tricks you need to survive.

Links to timestamps for questions:
1. What does studying philosophy entail? 00:20
2. What kind of skills do I need? 00:56
3. How do I take notes? 02:06
4. How to summarize complexity? 06:39
5. What can you do with a philosophy degree? 09:41
6. Should you study philosophy? 13:46
7. What am I going to do next? 15:16

If I didn't answer a question you have about studying philosophy, leave it in the comments and we can keep the discussion going!

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philosophy,undergraduate,questions,experience,studying,jobs,transferrable,skills,philosophy skills,philosophy tricks,philosophy questions,qanda,answering,answers,undergrad experience,post grad,future plans,

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