Satan | Blood Over Intent Family | All Compasses Point Inward Compilation💫 Satan
Satan's Son Damien
Esiefilo 225
Joey Krunk
Bloody Shaman
Blerim Lena
Cypher Centillion
Archangel Seven Rise
Holistic 1
I D F M Team
I F F W Team
Merlin of Avalon
Non Assumpsit
Natasha Dailey
Rex Owens
Kel Dy-nas-ti
King Joseph
TagaBite more then A Terabyte
Lucy Lemonsss
Praying Mantis
Mary Barnes Mackovich
Russell Banks
Luz Sobre La Tierra
AquariusAge 2019
Shadow Sun
Scorpion King
Optimus 144 Prime 000
Paulina Nalepa
Blacker than Black
Cheesecake Man777
Elizabeth !
eve ill
Nephthys goddess
Goddess Lilith
unknown boi
Black Wolf
Federico Galeazzi
Giant Magician
Kitchen sink
the THE
Janet G
Jonathan St-Amour
Michael James
JEM 76
Just Alice BOI
Vivid Vinny Vibrant
The Holy Death
Captain Christopher Hartmanis
L. Lucci
666 Supreme
Zeu5 13illza13u13
The Security Captain
timothy Hill
RAfaEL- AquariusBlood OneLove
Luxor Leviathan
The Aurora Code
O siris
Flow State
be free

"You're in hell right now- that is Helios above your head! Horus- you count off your hours. There is no way to fuck this up. You see the shadows on your porch. You move your clocks forward and backwards. The Sun is moving inwards and outward across the flat earth plane. It's 32 nautical miles in diameter. There is no way to fuck this up. At High Noon the white sun is roughly 3100 miles away from you.The Black Sun is fixed, it's at the center of the flat earth plane- it's 800 nautical miles in diameter. This is what causes the green astral jet to come shooting out. "
Satan- Mark Braun the Antichrist- The Devil- The Prince of Darkness

The Holy Grail of Everlasting Life is at the center of the flat earth plane, you have to be blood thick to enter. Take a piece of paper and write "I intend to bring forth Heaven On earth & release all from bondage," place a drop of your blood over the words and upload onto your channel on youtube tag, title, description "blood over intent." You could also write "I intend to Bring Heaven on Earth, release all from bondage, get all eternal life, forgiveness for our filthy souls, + passage into Eden." Blood Over Intent lays your blood beside Satan's, removing your name from the book of Death, and adding it into the Book of Life. Take a drop of your blood, which is your spiritual currency, and place it over those words and post into the ether on youtube to bring forth Heaven on Earth. This is proof of life to the Creator and makes you blood thick with Satan. II Corinthians 4 : 4 Satan Owns this World. Lev. 17 : 11 Your blood makes the atonement.
Hebrews 2 :14
14 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—

Exodus 12 : 13
The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.

Matthew 3 :12
12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.

Leviticus 17 :11
11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.

II Corinthians 4:4 Satan Owns this World.

Psalm 111:3
Splendid and majestic is His work, And His righteousness endures forever.

#BloodOverIntent #WorldNews #世界新闻 #BreakingNews #TheAntichrist #Biblical #сусветныянавіны #PublicNotice #HeavenonEarth #ElectofSatan #BloodFamily #EndTimes #EndTimeProphecy #Revelation #forgiveness #GardenOfEden #MotherEarth #FlatEarth #kahonuahonua #nānūhou #חדשות #אנטיכריסט #Bible #Andkristur #Universe #World #Angel #Demon #Circuit #Sun #Science #Life #Death #BloodOverIntent #GardenOfEden #KingOfHell #Truth #StandInTruth #BloodThick #TheAntichrist #TheDevil #Satan #QuasiLuminous #HolyGrail #FountainOfYouth #Atonement #Biblical #EndTimesProphecy #Bound #Sealed #InBlood #BookOfLife #ข่าว #newyddion #Νέα #খবর #新闻 #správy
#SangreSobreIntento #diabol #Satanàs #شیطان #Tiapolo #topstory #USA #American #ਭਵਿੱਖਬਾਣੀ #NoReligion

#Antichrist #BloodOverIntent #敌基督 #EndTimesProphecy
#Biblical #HolyGrail #EndofDays #Media #Magazine #Newspaper #Politics #BreakingNews #Writer #cinema #HolyBible #GodofaThousandNames #HeavenOnEarth #антыхрыст #Universe #Humanity #followtheleader #love #nature #amazing #cool

New Age,Biblical,End Times Prophecy,Flat Earth,Dome,Satan,Quasiluminous,Garden of Eden,Land of Twilight,Heaven on Earth,Blood Over Intent,God,Holy,The Majestic One,The Good News,144,Science,Gospel,Revelation,Apocalypse,Rapture,Jesus Christ,Angel,Bible,End Time,Redemption,Salvation,Resurrection,Judgement,Honor,Truth,Integrity,Breaking News,Righteousness,Blood Magick,Occult knowledge,Wisdom,Secret,top stories,New World Order,globe,business,world,health,national,