In this video I create a shell script and a python script for my terminal that will automate the process of creating new projects for me.
I create a custom command that creates a folder, adds it to my desired directory, opens a web browser, navigates to GitHub, logs in to my account, creates a new repository, then adds the git remote to my local folder, adds a README file, does git add, and then does a commit called “initial commit” and then pushes this to master.
Finally it opens the project folder in vs code.
I really enjoyed this one, I hope you will too!
Here is a link to the project if you want to check it out yourself:
Also I will start live streaming on twitch soon, basically doing the same things as in these one day builds but in real time, and some other coding projects.
if you want to have a look here is a link:
This video is also sponsored by AlgoExpert, which is a great place to learn everything you need about algorithms. This is great if you are studying for a job interview in the field of software engineering. They teach you how about lots of different algorithms, how they work, how to use them and what their time complexities are.
So if you are interested then visit this link and you will get 30% off your purchase.
CONTACT: kallehalldeen+youtube@gmail.com
Computer: Macbook Pro -
Camera Gear:
Panasonic GH5 -
MAIN LENS: Lumix 12-35mm -
DRONE: DJI Mavic Air -
Secondary Lens: Panasonic 25mm -
Secondary Lens: Olympus 45mm -
Zoom Lens: Panasonic 100-300mm -
Monitor: AOC 27” -
Ghost - Ikson
Reveal - Ikson