
Mother Nature or AI ?!*(social interaction)

Mother Nature or AI ?!*(social interaction) Mother nature or AI?!What one are you most interactive in?over my lifetime I have watched as the worlds societies have shifted into the electronic age.As a father of a teen I seen that most of the social scene took place online. Now as years have passed I have noticed a huge difference in social interaction as well as the importance placed on our connection to the natural environment and our place within it.Where I would see kids at play I now see kids on phones,hanging out on fb lane or snapchat street lol.Technology over spirituality is the theme across the board,while I am in no way preaching or poaching either one,I am seeing the obvious gap,technology is a totally external element that we are putting faith into,and possibly one day our conciousness,while true spirituality is putting faith within the being,within our self.Science does its best to destroy faith with fact,yet science leads doun neverending seeking,as does spirituality,therefore replacing the unknowable reality with one of progressive facts,that may or may not end at the Ultimate Truth.
Nevertheless, I do believe that our current trajectory in the realm of AI and technology,and the hold it has on human minds,is replacing the realm of the Natural World in priority of importance in many ways,and I feel that the effects in the long term could possibly be devastating on us all as a society.
Just some random thoughts on life and the world.
Thank you for all your support!
Shine on!Shine bright!Seek and embrace that inner light!

mother nature or AI,mother nature,AI,artificial intelligence,natural world,natural beings,natures law,social environment,social structure,social development,social Interaction,mother earth,natural life,save the planet,save society,society in distress,social behavior,self realization,selfgelp,spirituality,spiritual evolution,spiritual beings,

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