“But there’s an hour coming now when something is fixing to take place. The Message will go to another nation, another people. But while we are in the Presence of His Holy Being…The Church in America, I believe, is just about called out. She’s finished, She’s washed, She’s ready, the real Church. Hypocrisy still remains on. But the true Church was a true Church, to begin with, the born again, the predestinated to the call of God.
282 If you believe with all your heart, I ask you to pray and say, “Lord Jesus,” in your heart, “let me touch Your garment. And how will I know that You’re still the same High Priest? Speak to me through the lips of Brother Branham. And if he has told me the Truth, which, I believe he has.”
283 Be sure to mention that in your prayer, ’cause He told me, “If you get the people to believe you.” That’s the only…you…He couldn’t do many mighty works, because they didn’t believe Him. Don’t believe me as Him, but believe that He sent me. And I’m here to manifest Him. He proved that He was. May God help me to prove that He is raised from the dead, the Messiah, same yesterday, today, and forever.
284 Now just be in prayer. I’m watching and waiting. Just pray. And if the Lord will grant it, and will prove to you that this is the end-time sign, will you walk in the Light? Will you believe Him, have faith in Him? He is no respecter of person. Just have faith, all along, everywhere. Now, while you have your heads bowed, I’m thanking the Lord.”
63-0115 - "Accepting God's Provided Way At The End Time"
Rev. William Marrion Branham