00:14 - What house is the girl in? Check out this logic puzzle that will boost your logic and analytical skills!
01:08 - A criminal case that only a smart detective will be able to solve! Turn your logic on and try to find the killer!
02:39 - A cool picture puzzle to stretch your brain and make you think really quickly! If you can spot all the robots in the pictures, then you're a smart quick-thinker with good analytical skills. Way to go!
04:13 - This visual puzzle will totally blow your mind away and make you sweat! I'm just wondering HOW they used it, because so many things look impossible! So you will need to gather all your imagination to guess what these technologies from the past were used for (or you can ask your Granny about some of them). Sit back and enjoy this cool set of puzzles, I'm sure it will lighten your mood for the rest of the day!
05:47 - Who is a shoplifter? A set of short visual puzzles to test your attentiveness and logic are here :)
06:59 - A tricky picture puzzle that will test if you're able to identify a fake gadget among some things you use every day. Only a quick-thinker with incredibly sharp vision or a true fan of a brand will be able to spot what's wrong. Are you ready to challenge your brain?
08:08 - Boost your logic to a new level with this difficult brain teaser and try to solve it before the time is up!
09:20 - A portion of visual puzzles to test your vision and attentiveness to the details! Try to find who's not working!
10:32 - This brain-itching riddle will be a perfect warm-up for your brain especially when you've just woken up! All you need to do is examine carefully the names of the other children and find out what they have in common. If you fail, it means you're still sleeping, so you'd better splash cold water on your face and try another one!
11:29 - Here is a portion of tricky visual teasers that will blow your mind and boost your vision! Pay attention to the details and find all the robots!
TELL me IN THE COMMENTS your answers to the last puzzle!
#amazingriddles #visualpuzzles #pictureriddles
Music: Epidemic Sound
Music: Youtube Library
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