
Pirates Facts We Might Not Know. Unlike what we see in the movie!

Pirates Facts We Might Not Know. Unlike what we see in the movie! Like to commit acts of crime and theft on the sea become a negative stigma from pirates. You know, it turns out that pirate images are not what we imagined. Well, here are some fun facts from pirates that you might not know.

Number 5. Slaves.
Maybe you have watched the Pirate of Caribbean movie. The film tells about the lives of pirates. From this film, maybe there is a little picture for us that the pirates are white, frightening and others. Did you know, the first pirates in the world were two dark-skinned people, namely Mullato and Negro on the beach of Hispaniola.

These two people often come to foreign ships that pass by and invite the crew to join the pirate group. This invitation is not to do evil actions as we imagine. The target is also not a ship carrying valuables, but a slave-carrying ship. They deliberately targeted the ship in order to be able to free the slaves.

Number 4. Black people.
Almost on all pirate ships, it is estimated that there are around 25 to 30% of black people who are crew members. It is also possible that on a pirate ship the majority of his crew were black people. Although considered to have a lower degree, but the legendary pirate leader was a black person, namely Black Caesar.

Initially, this man was a tribal chief in Africa who was deceived and enticed into the slave ship. It happened that this slave ship was hit by a storm. Only Black Caesar and a white crew survived. When they were tossed around they intended to trap the ships that passed, raided, and took over. Shortly thereafter, Black Caesar led his own crew. After that he joined Black Beard with a high position and he became a trusted person and one of the important people on the ship. He led several white crews and Black Beard entrusts his soul to him.

Number 3. The meaning of pirate objects.
In the world of pirates, the items they use have their respective meanings. Examples of earrings that they often wear on the ear. Even though they often live on the boat, they don't want to spend the rest of their lives on the sea. They also have far-reaching thoughts, especially funerals for themselves. Pirates who wear earrings in their ears whether made from gold, silver, or other precious metals assume that the items hanging in their ears can be referred to as savings to pay for a proper funeral when he dies. They prepared their own funeral.

In addition, you might often see pirate ships flying black flags and skull symbols. The flag is their identity to other ships. This flag is designed to spread threats and create fear of its enemies. But if you meet a pirate who raises a red flag or what is known as the Bloody Red, then that represents a very big danger. The red flag is a sign that the pirates are no longer just seizing property, but will also kill all who are on the enemy ship mercilessly. For among pirate ships, this is like the code for the start of war.

If you ever see a pirate using a cover in one eye, this is not to cover the wound in his eye, but to help the senses of vision to function better. On a hot day, the condition of the deck remains dark. Sometimes the crew has to go up and down the deck from the bright spot to a dark place in a short time. Using a blindfold, this can make the eyes instantly adjust the lighting that is being seen so that they can focus immediately when looking in the dark.

Number 2. Regulations on board.
Although known to often commit acts of crime, pirates have a number of regulations that should not be violated while on a boat, for example fighting. The fellow crew members, they are forbidden to fight on the boat. If you are already on the boat, then the captain is in power. To maintain calm, pirate members are prohibited from fighting on the boat. If violated, the captain can give 40 lashes.

In addition, ship crews are also prohibited from having sex on the boat. Whether with a lover or a slave girl. If caught doing it on a boat, the captain will give a strict sentence because this is considered taboo among pirates.

In addition, pirates are known to like to gamble, but they should not do it on a boat. If caught gambling, they will be severely punished by their captain.

Number 1. Female pirate.
Not all pirates are men. The proof is that there are female pirates, for example Ching Shih, from China. Initially she was a prostitute in an embroidery house in Canton. Her journey as a pirate began when she married a pirate commander named Ching Yih. Both of them became pirate couples who were respected at the time. This is marked by the ability of both of them who are able to expand their territory.

After her husband died, Ching Shih was named to replace her husband. Finally she became a pirate leader who was able to spread fear throughout the South China sea region. Wow, it's terrible.

Thanks for watching.

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