KK Concept ,
Ultra High Quality,
Copy Clone Replica Nakli Phone.
उत्पाद की कीमत ₹10200.
इस उत्पाद को खरीदने के लिए हमारी वेबसाइट पर ₹ 999 का अग्रिम टोकन भुगतान करें।
₹ 9200 का शेष भुगतान डिलीवरी पर करना होगा ।
वेबसाइट की लिंक।
PAYTM पर ₹999 भुगतान करें
PAYTM नंबर 8269999925 .
Whats app number 8269999925..
कृपया कॉल से बचें।
व्हाट्सएप पर संदेश भेजें..
---- Online Order Only.
Purchase Link.
1) Cash on Delivery Price :-
Total Price ₹10,200
Advance Payment ₹999
COD Payable ₹9.200
:- Cash on Delivery Purchase Link :-
Paytm Number 8269999925.
( For Cash on Delivery orders ₹999 Token payment has to be paid in Advance.)
2) Make Full Advance Payment and Buy at ₹9800 only.
Paytm Number 8269999925.
Send Payment Screen Shot and full address via whats app on 8269999925.
Track Number will be provided within 48 hours .
Delivery Time 7-9 working Days.
Testing warranty only.
Contact :- theshopperswishlist@gmail.com
Whats app 8269999925 for after sales support.
Disclaimer ,
We Do not Guaranty Product Specifications/ Speed /Quality , We are just a seller not Manufacturer, Hence , Any Detail provided on the video is just an general Introduction to the specifications of the product and specifications can vary ..
It is advisable that Customers / Consumers to Google for more in-depth product details..
Thank You.