Mueller Did Not Say Barr Lied, He Said The Media Lied
Democrats and the media think that it is Mueller time again, after being thwarted in their first attempt at removing President Donald Trump.
A new report by The Washington post on Tuesday gave renewed life to the Resistance belief that President Trump colluded with Russia ad obstructed justice.
And if you watched CNN or MSNBC on Tuesday night, or read Twitter, you could believe that Attorney General Bill Barr lied to protect President Trump, CNN reported.
Special counsel Robert Mueller expressed concerns in a letter to Attorney General William Barr that Barr’s four-page letter to Congress summarizing the “principal conclusions” of Mueller’s findings didn’t fully capture his 448-page report, according to a source with knowledge of Mueller’s letter.
Later, Barr and Mueller spoke by phone and while Mueller didn’t think Barr’s letter was inaccurate, the special counsel believed his report was more nuanced on the obstruction of justice issue, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller was frustrated by media coverage, and wanted more of the report to come out, those officials told CNN.
Barr’s position was he wasn’t going to do so in a piecemeal way, so he was pushing the special counsel’s office to finish the redactions of the full report as soon as possible. At the same time, senior Justice officials have been puzzled by Mueller’s decision not to reach a conclusion on the obstruction issue and Barr felt he needed to provide finality on the matter as the attorney general.
But if we take a look at that again, even in CNN’s own story it says “Barr and Mueller spoke by phone and while Mueller didn’t think Barr’s letter was inaccurate.”
The gist of Mueller’s correspondence with Attorney General Barr was about how the media was mischaracterizing the report but the Democrats are grasping at straws.
Carmine Sabia
If you are tweeting #ImpeachBarrAndTrump or #BarrLied or #ResignBarr or #ImpeachBarr then you either have not read anything past the headline or have an inability to comprehend what you read.
BostonBobblehead Twitted.
Good morning!
Do the #CollusionDelusion dead-enders who are tweeting out the #ImpeachBarr hashtag realize they actually got to read the #MuellerReport?
And for those tweeting #BarrLied, there’s this:
keith silver@keith_silver
If you believe #BarrLied and the media is telling the truth there is no hope for you.
Matthew Bove Twitted.
Reminds me of chicken little and the sky is falling. The perfect summary of the liberal movement
Corporate SimulationTwitted.
Mueller said the media got it wrong, not Barr.
Then they go and do this.
CodyJohnson Twitted.
This is how the fake news gets away w/ all their lies, b/c the sheep on the left only seem to read a header & then go on twitter & spew crap like #BarrLied& if only they would read the full article they would see the article actually debunks the main header & Barr didn't lie
Seth Mandel
covering ourselves in glory lmao
Just Karl Twitted.
"When Barr pressed him whether he thought Barr’s letter was inaccurate, Mueller said he did not, but felt that the media coverage of the letter was misinterpreting the investigation, officials said."
Chuck Ross
After 22 months of not giving a shit about the media running rampant w/ speculation, Mueller finally took a stand on the issue after Barr released his letter.
David Harsanyi
Mueller: you know, media is misrepresenting this report.
Media: impeach Barr!
#Mueller #BarrLied #SaidMediaLied