Making HUGE Slime & Cutting Sand - Satisfying Rainbow Colors Today I'm combining squishies, slime and kinetic sand. It's amazing and satisfying and FUN! I got kinetic sand in cute shapes for Easter and I have been having a lot of fun playing with it, which gave me the idea for today's video. I've been cutting it and making it into fun shapes. In today's video I'm making some super satisfying and EXTREMELY crunchy slime, and I'm going to do some cool stuff with kinetic sand. I add squishies and cute small toys into it and it's awesome. I hope you like the video! Thanks for watching! | Please be sure to subscribe:

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#slime #kineticsand #satisfying

Always Alyssa,best slime recipe,easy slime recipe,alyssa makes slime,alyssa make crunchy slime,crunchy shopkins slime,kinetic sand cutting,satisfying videos,satisfying slime,satisfying cutting,cut and shape kinetic sand,how to use kinetic sand,spin master kinetic sand,shopkins collection,food slime,toys in slime,squishies in slime,squishies in kinetic sand,alyssa squishy collection,colored kinetic sand,family fun pack alyssa,asmr,