
Is There Really a Door Beneath the Ear of the Great Sphinx of Egypt? | Ancient Architects

Is There Really a Door Beneath the Ear of the Great Sphinx of Egypt? | Ancient Architects NEW CHANNEL FROM ANCIENT ARCHITECTS: "Space and Planet" has launched. Please subscribe now at

I’ve had countless comments over the past 12 months telling me about the so-called secret door below the Sphinx’s right ear and this is something I’ve been aware of for a very long time and is something I looked into way before starting the Ancient Architects channel.

So, what are we looking at?

For a start, if this was a secret entrance into the Sphinx, logic says this would be a somewhat ridiculous place to put it because a) it’s clear for all to see and not very secret, and b) there’s no easy way into it unless you have a large ladder, which again is hard to hide from the masses. Furthermore the size of the so-called door means a person would have to crawl through, as it’s about half as tall as your average person. It’s also a crude shape. If the Egyptians could carve an incredible large face on a natural mound, why couldn’t they create a better doorway than this?

I believe the explanation is far more straight forward and no, this isn't a secret entrance into the Great Sphinx. Watch now and please subscribe.

All images are taken from Google Images for educational purposes only.

Great Sphinx,Sphinx of Egypt,Ancient Architects,Plug Under Ear of the Sphinx,Giza,Giza Pleateau,Pyramids of Egypt,18th dynasty,Mystery History,Bright Insight,CFApps7895,Charles Kos,Secret Chamber in the Sphinx,Brien Foerster,Sphinx Chambers,Robert Schoch,John Anthony West,Sphinx Plug Block,Boriska Kipriyanovich,Russian Boy,Martians,Sphinx Entrance Behind The Ear,Ancient History,Ancient Egypt,Ancient Anomalies,Ancient High Technology,

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